Oredmasters Blog

6 Ways To Bolster Your Medical Sales Rep Resume

Written by OREdmasters | Nov 24, 2022 7:00:00 PM

When you’re job hunting, you know the importance of standing out from other applicants. One way to get noticed is by enhancing your resume. While experience will be a big driver to whether you move forward in the interview process, having additional skills and certifications can help you stand out if you don’t have a lot of experience — or if you do, they can give you an advantage over other candidates.

Here are six tips for beefing up your medical sales rep resume to help you stand out to recruiters.

1. Write a Strong Summary

Your summary usually appears at the top of your resume before you list your work experience. Think of this as your own personal sales pitch. This is the place for you to briefly talk about who you are and what makes you stand out. It’s not the place to list your degrees, or what kind of position you want, but rather explain what makes you unique.

It could look something like this: “I am an accomplished medical sales representative with 10 years of experience driving revenue. I have achieved outstanding success building partnerships and maintaining client relationships, and am experienced with x tactics and x software systems.”

Recruiters look through hundreds of resumes per day, and a strong summary can help you catch their attention. Keep it short because most recruiters are scanning through resumes and don’t have the time or desire to read long descriptions. 

2. Include Your Essential Sales Skills

Check the job description you’re applying for and see if it has any specific skills the right candidate needs to possess. If you have any of the skills in the job description, highlight them. If you don’t, include others that may be useful.

These skills could be:

  • Knowledge of products
  • Knowledge of anatomy
  • Client acquisition and retention
  • Relationship building

3. Showcase Specific Results 

You’ve got the experience and skills, but what really stands out to recruiters is your results. Sharing your results is the thing that proves to the hiring manager that your skills and abilities are genuine. Met your sales target? Generated revenue? Be as specific as possible when including your results.

This could look like:

  • Exceeded all quotas, resulting in 75 percent revenue increase over 12 months
  • Average more than $1 million in annual sales
  • Strong knowledge of the anatomy of the foot and ankle
  • Certified in medical sales 

4. Include Keywords 

These days, much of the hiring process is automated. That means that even though you’re trying to impress a recruiter, you’re also trying to get through the automation process. To get a leg up with this, you should include relevant keywords in your resume. This helps whatever technology recruiters are using to screen resumes match you with the job description.

Some example keywords to include in your medical sales rep resume are:

  • Healthcare
  • New business development
  • Top performer
  • Outside sales representative
  • Managed care
  • Hospital sales

5. Don’t Forget About Formatting

As a sales professional, you’ve got excellent communication skills. Make sure these skills transfer onto your resume by formatting it in an easy-to-read manner. This means putting the most important information at the beginning where you know hiring managers will be looking for it. 

Dividing your resume into sections can help you compile and make your relevant information easier to find and read. Keep your resume around one page, unless you’re a professional with more than a decade of experience and have the achievements that warrant a longer resume. Most importantly, don’t forget to include your contact information at the top.

6. Boost Your Knowledge

Not only do medical device sales reps need to have sales and relationship-building results, they need to also have intimate knowledge of anatomy and the procedures used with the devices they’re selling. 

Online courses on anatomy and physiology can boost your knowledge and set your resume above the rest. Additional education can also come in the form of reading, in-person courses and more. Highlight the completion of these courses and any awarded certificates or achievements on your resume.

Enroll today in a wide range of courses to boost your medical devices sales rep resume and equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to move your career forward.